NFL – Bills’ Season Review – Part 1

20 Jan

The 2012 Buffalo Bills’ season can only be described as disappointing. I didn’t bother reviewing the last couple of games, as the review would have been just beating a dead horse. To their credit, they at least rose to the occasion and gave their loyal home fans a good show in the finale, beating an equally inept Jets team. In part one of this season review, I’ll look at management and coaching. After posting 6-10 records the last 2 years, one of these things has to be true – either Buddy Nix and the scouting staff he has assembled have been drafting terribly, or the coaching staff he brought in has done nothing to help in developing those drafted players.

The Monday after the season ended, owner Ralph Wilson, through his new surrogate Russ Brandon, made what they figure is the right choice of those 2 options when they relieved head coach Chan Gailey of his duties, along with Gailey’s entire staff, while keeping Nix on board as the general manager. It appears that somewhere along the line Nix will turn over those duties to Doug Whaley, his hand-picked successor, so Nix’s input into future decisions may be minimized. Nix has been mostly responsible for assembling the team’s talent through the college draft, while Whaley’s responsibilities have been in the pro scouting area. That means Nix should be accountable for passing on players like Rob Gronkowski (plus about 5 other players currently starting in New England), Colin Kaepernick, Russell Wilson, Andy Dalton, Torrey Smith, Randall Cobb and Golden Tate while picking players like Torell Troup, Aaron Williams and T.J. Graham. If pro scouting is Whaley’s area, then he gets the credit for bringing in gems like Scott Chandler, Kraig Urbik, Erik Pears and Kyle Moore. That tells me that the transition from Nix to Whaley can’t come soon enough. That being said, if Nix gets the blame for passing on some good players, he also gets the credit for bringing in C.J. Spiller, Cordy Glenn, Stephon Gilmore, Chris Hairston and Alex Carrington, who have at least made some contributions.

As for the coaches, it’s a moot point to comment on them, since the entire staff has been replaced. Let’s face it, after 3 straight losing seasons and no progress at all to show for it, cleaning house was the right move. Chan Gailey was a nice enough guy, and his tenure had some positive points –  the team played hard for him, he got all he could out of Ryan Fitzpatrick at quarterback, and he laid down the law when it was necessary (remember the benching of Stevie Johnson in the 2011 finale?). However, he turned out to be another in a long line of coaches who are outstanding coordinators but don’t have the skills to be an effective head coach. His post-game comments that “the team wasn’t ready to play and I’m responsible for that” got old, and it became obvious he just didn’t have the answers. His decision to promote Dave Wannstedt to defensive coordinator was a disaster, as the defense looked totally clueless most of the year. Wannstedt stubbornly refused to change his passive approach, rarely blitzing or doing anything creative to help his unit. The passive approach was especially maddening when you consider that the Bills faced a lot of young QBs this year. The new head coach, Doug Marrone, will now have to figure out whether some of the highly-drafted defensive players who’ve had little impact – Marcell Dareus, Gilmore, Aaron Williams, Kelvin Sheppard, Nigel Bradham – are just average players or have more to offer that just was never brought out by Gailey or Wannstedt.

1 Comment

Posted in Football

  1. Louise

    January 21, 2013 at 12:05 pm

    Hopefully, this new coaching staff can bring in some fresh, new ideas and can be more creative with offense, defense and special teams.