Classic Sports Card of The Day

11 Nov


Today’s Classic Sports Card of The Day is actually four football cards – a 1959 Topps card of split end/back R.C. Owens, a 1961 Fleer card of fullback J.D. Smith, a 1954 Bowman card of quarterback Y.A. Tittle and a 1962 Topps card of fullback C.R. Roberts. Together, this quartet formed the famous “All Alphabet” backfield of the San Francisco 49ers of the late 1950s and early 1960s.  Tittle and Owens were known for connecting on high-arcing end zone pass completions that became known as the “Alley Oop” pass, while Smith and Roberts were stalwarts in the run game, with Smith totaling 46 career touchdowns in 10 NFL seasons.


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