Classic Sports Card of The Day

16 Nov

1956 Topps football card of former NFL quarterback George Ratterman, who had the distinction of playing in the old All America Football Conference (AAFC), the Canadian Football League and the NFL. After he retired he wrote a book titled Confessions of A Gypsy Quarterback , and that title pretty much describes his career. He played for the Buffalo Bills in the AAFC and New York Yanks for 2 years in the NFL, but his best years came from 1952 to 1956 with the NFL’s Cleveland Browns, where he succeeded one of the game’s greatest of all time, Otto Graham. While playing for innovative coach Paul Brown with the Browns, Ratterman became the first player to wear a radio receiver in his helmet, with the coach sending in plays using a microphone. Also after his playing days ended, Ratterman served as general counsel for the American Football League players’ union, and was a color analyst on AFL game telecasts.


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